Steven Grace Law

Steven J. Grace, Esq.

With 15 years of experience, Steven J. Grace specializes in bankruptcy, foreclosure defense and all areas in-between. Attorney Grace brings a personal and knowledgeable approach to navigating the complexities of financial challenges. As a dedicated advocate, he has perfected his abilities to offer practical solutions customized for clients dealing with uncertainties. Trust in Steven’s expertise for guidance and a proven track record of success for safeguarding your financial future.

Debt Solutions

Are you drowning in debt? Are creditor calls making you feel like you’re trapped in your own home? Don’t worry, there’s help available. Lots of people find themselves in a financial bind, and there’s no shame in it. That’s why bankruptcy exists, to give you a fresh start.

Here are some signs bankruptcy might be the right choice for you:

  • Overwhelming Debt: If you’re buried in bills and they’re just getting bigger, bankruptcy can help wipe them away. This gives you a chance to start over without the weight of debt holding you down.
  • Creditors calling day and night: Are you tired of endless calls from people demanding their money? Filing for bankruptcy puts a stop to those right away, giving you some peace and quiet.
  • Losing your paycheck to debt: Are they garnishing part of your paycheck to pay off your debts? Bankruptcy can stop that too, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money.
  • Worried about losing your car or home: If you’re facing the possibility of losing your car or house because of debt, bankruptcy can be a lifeline. It can protect your property and give you time to get back on your feet.

But don’t just jump into bankruptcy without thinking. It’s a big decision, and you want to make sure it’s the right one for you. That’s where Steven Grace Law comes in. Our friendly and experienced attorney will take a look at your situation and explain all your options, including bankruptcy. He will answer all your questions and walk you through the process step-by-step, making sure you understand everything.

Remember, there’s no need to face this alone. Steven Grace Law is here to help you get back on track and achieve financial freedom. So don’t wait, contact us today and let’s chat about how we can help you get back to feeling good about your finances.

Facing potential foreclosure can be overwhelming, but know that you have options beyond bankruptcy in Chicago. Here are some key alternatives to explore:

1. Loan Modification

This involves negotiating with your lender to adjust the terms of your mortgage, such as reducing interest rates or extending the loan term. By making your loan more affordable, you can catch up on missed payments and avoid foreclosure.

2. Forbearance

This agreement temporarily adjusts or suspends your mortgage payments, giving you breathing room to catch up financially. While this can offer short-term relief, it’s not a permanent solution.

3. Short Sale

This involves selling your property for a price lower than the remaining mortgage balance, with the lender’s approval. This allows you to avoid the stigma of foreclosure while minimizing your financial losses.

4. Foreclosure Defense Litigation

This legal strategy uses the law to leverage a loan modification. By raising foreclosure legal challenges, an attorney can negotiate a more favorable outcome with your lender, extend your case through litigation or in rare cases win the case outright.

5. Consent Foreclosure

This allows you to voluntarily transfer your property to the lender, avoiding the formal foreclosure process. Often, this involves a mandatory waiver of deficiency judgment, meaning you’re not liable for any remaining debt after the sale.

Choosing the Right Option

The best alternative for you depends on your specific financial situation, the stage of the foreclosure process, and your long-term goals. A skilled foreclosure defense attorney in Chicago can help assess your options, navigate the complexities of each strategy, and fight for the best possible outcome.

  • Don’t wait: The sooner you seek help, the more options you have available.
  • Explore all possibilities: Consider each alternative carefully before making a decision.
  • Seek professional advice: An experienced attorney can guide you through the legal process and advocate for your rights.

By taking proactive steps and seeking professional advice, you can protect your home and find a solution to avoid foreclosure.

Relief at Last: Discharging Student Loans in 2024

Crushing student debt isn’t a life sentence anymore. Thanks to recent legal changes, you can now explore discharge through Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy. This isn’t automatic, but it offers a beacon of hope for struggling borrowers. An “adversary discharge” process exists, where you can convince the court that repaying your loans would cause you undue hardship. Private student loans may also be eliminated in certain cases.

Proving Your Case & Reclaiming Your Future

Convincing the court requires evidence of both present and future hardship. This means showing you can’t afford basic necessities with those loan payments hanging over your head, and your situation isn’t likely to improve significantly anytime soon. Additionally, demonstrating good faith efforts by trying alternative options like income-driven plans is crucial.

Remember, you’re not alone. Consider seeking expert guidance from a lawyer experienced in adversary discharges. They can help you navigate the process, build your case, compile your attestation and fight for your financial freedom. Take the first step towards a brighter future – explore your options and reclaim your life from student loan debt!

Facing Foreclosure? – Whether you’re up against an imminent auction or just received legal papers, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can offer a lifeline. This powerful tool halts the process and combines your debts into one manageable payment, giving you breathing room and a clear path forward. Additionally, dedicated Foreclosure Defense strategies can be employed to challenge the case and potentially secure a loan modification or other favorable outcome.

Protect Your Car from Repossession – Stop the “Repo Man” in his tracks with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. This legal shield instantly prevents vehicle repossessions. In some cases, you may even be able to reclaim your vehicle after it has been repossessed and enjoy lower monthly payments through strategic maneuvers like “cram-downs” or interest rate reductions.

Escape the Insanity of Credit Card Debt – Today’s average credit card interest rate is above 20%, trapping many in a seemingly inescapable cycle of payments. If you qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, taking action sooner rather than later is crucial. Remember, life circumstances can change quickly, potentially disqualifying you from debt relief in the future. This means you could be stuck making hefty interest payments and dealing with collection lawsuits for years to come. By seizing the opportunity to file now, you can exit the bankruptcy process faster and accelerate your credit score recovery. While the initial filing may cause temporary inconvenience, you will be glad you made the decision to pave the way for a brighter financial future.

Silence the Harassment — Constant creditor calls regarding credit card debt can be overwhelming. Fortunately, both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy offer solutions. Chapter 7 eliminates many types of debt, effectively stopping the calls for good. In Chapter 13, a structured repayment plan halts creditor harassment while you work towards settling your debts. Both options trigger an immediate “stay,” preventing direct contact with creditors and setting the stage for financial stability. If creditors violate this stay, you may even have legal grounds to sue them for damages.

Protect Your Assets — Contrary to popular belief, bankruptcy doesn’t mean losing everything. In reality, it functions as a shield, safeguarding essential belongings like your home, car, retirement savings, and even a portion of your cash. Bankruptcy exemptions play a crucial role in protecting these assets, ensuring you can pick up the pieces and rebuild your financial future. Understanding these exemptions empowers you to navigate the bankruptcy process more effectively and emerge with key assets intact.

If you’re facing any of these situations, it may be time to consider bankruptcy as a solution to regain control:

Struggling With Debt
Feeling squeezed between bills and basic needs? Debt can do that. When covering essentials like food, housing, and utilities becomes a struggle due, the toll on your mind can be heavy. Bankruptcy can provide relief by eliminating or restructuring debt, alleviating this burden and allowing you to focus on your well-being.

Persistent Debt Collection
Constant calls from creditors and collection agencies can be disruptive and stressful. Bankruptcy halts these calls immediately, providing peace of mind and allowing you to focus on finding solutions.

Legal Actions
Lawsuits, wage garnishments, citations to discover assets and bank levies can severely damage your credit score. Surprisingly, bankruptcy can be a strategic tool to address these legal challenges and protect your assets. It can also kickstart the process of rebuilding your credit score by providing a structured debt repayment plan.

Relying on Credit for Essentials
Using credit cards to cover basic needs like groceries and utilities can be a sign of financial instability. Bankruptcy can help you break the cycle of debt and develop a plan for managing your finances effectively.

Facing Foreclosure
If you’re at risk of losing your home and unable to reach an agreement with your mortgage lender, bankruptcy may offer a solution. It can stop foreclosure proceedings and allow you to explore options for keeping your home.

Unmanageable Medical Bills
Overwhelming medical debt can be a significant burden, and bankruptcy can provide relief by eliminating medical bills that are included in your discharge.

Sudden Job Loss
Losing your job can lead to financial hardship and make it difficult to meet your debt obligations. Bankruptcy can offer a fresh start and help you manage your finances during this challenging time.

No Emergency Fund
Lack of a financial safety net can leave you vulnerable to unexpected expenses. Bankruptcy can help you build a financial safety net by providing a structured plan for debt repayment and financial recovery.

Vehicle Repossession Threat
If your car is at risk of being repossessed, bankruptcy can provide immediate protection and help you explore options for keeping it.

No Debt Payoff Plan
If you lack a clear strategy for paying off your debts, bankruptcy can offer a structured plan and guidance from qualified professionals to help you achieve financial stability.

Remember, you don’t have to face these challenges alone. Bankruptcy can be a powerful tool to help you regain control of your finances and build a brighter future.

Debt can be overwhelming and debilitating, leaving you feeling trapped and hopeless. Fortunately, bankruptcy offers a path to financial freedom, and understanding the different types of bankruptcy available is crucial to making the best decision for your specific situation.

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13: Two Paths to Debt Relief

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the two most common types of bankruptcy filed by individuals. While they share the ultimate goal of debt relief, they differ in their approach and eligibility requirements.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
  • Basics: Chapter 7 is known as “straight” or “liquidation” bankruptcy and aims to eliminate most unsecured debt, such as credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans.
  • Eligibility: To qualify for Chapter 7, you must pass a means test, which assesses your income and assets. Individuals with limited income and few assets are typically eligible.
  • Benefits:
    • Debt Elimination: Chapter 7 offers a quick and efficient way to eliminate most debts, providing a fresh start.
    • Stop Creditor Harassment: The automatic stay immediately stops all collection actions and harassment from creditors, offering peace of mind.
    • Retain Certain Assets: While some assets may be liquidated to pay creditors, exemptions protect essential items like your home, car, and retirement accounts.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Credit Score Impact: Filing for Chapter 7 can negatively impact your credit score for up to 10 years.
    • Potential Loss of Assets: While exemptions protect most assets, others with substantial equity may be liquidated to satisfy creditors.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
  • Basics: Chapter 13 is known as a “reorganization bankruptcy” and allows you to create a court-approved plan to repay all or a portion of your debts over a period of 3 to 5 years.
  • Eligibility: There are no specific income limits to qualify for Chapter 13, but you must have sufficient income to make regular payments under your repayment plan.
  • Benefits:
    • Retain Assets: Chapter 13 allows you to keep all your assets, including those that might be at risk in Chapter 7.
    • Lower Interest Rates: You may be able to negotiate lower interest rates on your secured debts, saving you money over time.
    • Catch Up on Missed Payments: Chapter 13 allows you to catch up on missed mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure.
    • Improve Credit Score: Successfully completing a Chapter 13 plan can actually improve your credit score.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Repayment Obligation: You are obligated to make regular payments for 3-5 years, which can be challenging.
    • Loss of Control: The court oversees your finances throughout the repayment plan, limiting your financial freedom.
    • Longer Process: Chapter 13 takes longer to complete than Chapter 7.
Choosing the Right Chapter:

The best chapter for you depends on your individual circumstances, debt composition, and financial goals. Consulting with a qualified bankruptcy attorney is crucial to assess your options and make an informed decision. Steven Grace Law can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and help you navigate the complexities of bankruptcy law.

Remember, bankruptcy is a powerful tool for finding financial relief and rebuilding your life. By understanding your options and seeking professional guidance, you can take control of your debt and pave the way for a brighter future.

Rest Assured, We’re Here for You

What to expect

For the past 15 years, Steven Grace has been assisting individuals across Chicagoland, establishing an outstanding reputation for guiding them to achieve their legal goals. Whether you’re seeking a fresh start through Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, aiming to safeguard your home via foreclosure defense or a loan modification, or pursuing other customized legal goals, Steven Grace Law stands out as your top choice. Your unique needs are at the forefront, making StevenGraceLaw the go-to for tailored legal solutions.

Client Testimonials

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Knowledgeable, professional and cares about doing his best for client’s”
― Jacqueline B.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Steven takes the time to understand your case and works with you throughout the process”
― Mauro R.

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“You’ll know you’re in good hands from the moment you speak to him.”
― Lindsay W.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“His professionalism and attention to detail is outstanding.”
― Sharon Y.

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“I was impressed by his dedication to helping me through my debt issues.”
― Kevin A.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
“Professional, personable and attention to detail.”
― Robin R.